Funded by the European Union

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“Shabab News” a Jordanian programme to train young broadcasters

A Jordanian satellite TV channel, Roya, has launched “Roya for Youth” Academy to train young broadcasters in preparing and presenting a News magazine under the title “Shabab News”. This News magazine will broadcast as a segment of a popular daily program “Caravan”.

Roya for Youth came into framework after Roya channel’s participation in “Shabab Live” project, which is funded by the European Union and supported by the German Foreign Ministry. Shabab Live aims to enhance the participation of Arab youth in society and to encourage other medias for more coverage in their programmes.

To launch “Shabab News”, Roya Channel organized intensive workshops. As a result, 6 out of 300 applicants, both male and female, were trained on presenting media programmes and work techniques as field Reporters.

A workshop for the young team was also organised by the German “Deutsche Welle”, on developing coordination, assessing Jordanian newscasts and addressing the needs of a target group, as well as broadcasting the first episodes of “Shabab News”.

Roya Channel intends to organize future activities that aim to continuously develop the concept of Youth Movement News. These activities will ensure that general News is presented in a manner that appeals to the young target group.

“Shabab Live” is a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Alkhatt, and Al Jana. It is funded by the European Union and supported by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project develops media literacy skills in youth aged between 15 and 30 years and enhances their presence in the media. It supports eighteen media institutions (TV / Radio) and non-governmental organizations in six Middle Eastern and North African regions: Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.